Sunday, November 21, 2010


a really2 tiring day huh. i hope aswad will get well soon n stop dsturbing my sleep.xD
mom stop worrying eh. im sure everything will be okay. just  keep praying.:)
er anyone wants to offer me a job?

i donno why im feeling dis. but better wake up from daydreaming lah.


Anonymous said...

nak kerja?
meyh dtg umah aku.. tolong mak aku.. hahhaha..

iQieyMa said...

gaji kasik 4 angke bole la aku dtg..:p

broken button said...

rm10.00 sebulan.. cube ko kire ad brape angka?

iQieyMa said...

da dpt kje.:p
tme kaseh je laaa.