Tuesday, October 25, 2011


3 minutes

7 minutes

10 minutes

15 minutes

Demm aku dah tutup buku chem sekarang tengah menghadap Running Man. -.-'

Monday, October 24, 2011

Wenn du nicht hinaufkommst, bist du selber schuld. -Ueli Steck-

inspiring words.thanx bro

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Naik haji

u ol know raya aji dah nak tiba tak lama lagi? lembu2 nak disembelih pun nak tiba jugak lagi seminggu dua dalam kandang masjid tu (as usual will find the prettiest to be my feveret cow of the year). oh ya tiba bersama-sama final beberapa hari lepas tu. -.-'

lagi 2 hari sorang sahabat ana (cewahh ana teros!) nak berangkat dengan family2 dia ke Mekah. baru 19 dah nak jadik pak aji, jeles betul. mak ayah aku pon tak pegi lagi dol. ya ya ya youre damn lucky bro. kalaulah naek haji tu macam naik dam aji , memang aku beli papan dam aji byk2 utk parents aku. takpelah takda rezeki lagi dorang nak pegi kot. sobsobsob

hey kawan selamat berangkat, semoga selamat pergi n kembali. kat sana jgn lupa doakan aku n kawan2 len (dah 10 kali ulang) tau. buat ibadah betol2 ikhlas2 appreciate this opportunity mana tahu next time kau tak pegi lagi dah. ingat senang ke -.- oh ya also i hope ull be a better person after this, in and out :)

have a safe journey fren. :)

Real Steel :)

mantap2. aku rate cite ni 9/10 sebab berjaya buat aku duduk dengan tenang tetapi menendang-nendang seat org depan tu dengan sangat ganas dan extreme. ya also extra mark for Max yang adorable gila (i want to have a cute child like him) n charlie hugh jackman yg hensem kalau dia shave. oh ya apsal ha laki suka tak shave? aku tengok pon serabut -.-

trailer macam takbes sgt takpe tengok dlu. aku rasa brilliant ah idea bg robot men tumbuk2 instead of human. yalah at least they dont feel the pain right?

congrats mensiti 6-1 xD

Friday, October 21, 2011

The Boys - SNSD

i want soyoung <3

Succes is never ending, failure is never final

failure is special, because u can bounce back even higher (Ariff Wie, 2011)

try and fail, but dont fail to try. still, Alhamdulillah because we have another chance to try :')

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

girlfrenss that i love the most

bila kecoh2 budak pmc ngn imu nk inteviu minggu ni aku cam terfikir aa. fine korang ada bapa bulan je lagi kat mesia. fine2. pasni kita jumpa masa kenduri kawin jelah. fathiah gudbai.

so tetiba aku rasa syahdu. korang dah kawen beranak pinak mesti jadik bini solehah dengar cakap laki. pastu tak kasik kita gi main2 hangout sama2 dah. kalau kasik pon mesti dorang nak ikot. nyebok2.

korang kena ingt bdae aku every year tau. *iklan*

pastu dorang suruh bawak bby toodler korang tu, pastu tadapat lah kita men mandi manda swimming pool sama2. lagipon korang yg dah branak masa tu tak slim macam aku (rujuk gambar di atas) dah. nk berenang dlm swimming pool pon terapung. HAHA comel gila korang (aku tengah berimaginasi sekarang)

 adakah kita dapat beraya haji bersama macam ni lagi? oww tacing sungguh. nak duit rayaa

pastu sume dah matured kena pikir future sendiri. woi korang next year dah 20 dah boleh pikir pasal kawen. yahooo! 

 oh ya lupakan janji2 kita. aku surrender dah bukan aku yang kawen paling awal. aku pass kat afiey ngn hana jelah. takpon mimi ke. takpon tunggu aku balik mesia kita kawen sama2 eh. wau mantap mengandung beranak pun sama. wauwauwau
oh plan kita nak berbesan nnti tu jangan lupa. anis keep your words xD

kawan2 bila kita nak gather lagi. :'(


'if i am meant for you, i am meant for you. if i am not meant for you, Allah will replace a person better than i am.'

*gambar takde kena mengena dgn yg hidup atau yg mati

ya i wish i could write these kinda stuff too. superb cool isnt? 

Sunday, October 16, 2011


its 16th Oct already. still got another 3 weeks to prepare for final.

3 weeks

what? only 3 weeks left??
and i still done with nothing. 

dari minggu lepas stadi baca hafal rasa macam tak masok hapa hapa. yalah mind set aku, baca awal2 nanti lupa. sapa suruh kann. pastu wiken ni bizi prepare medley p ramlee tahapa hapa yang just buat aku rasa nak tejon bangunan je, pastu sbtu lepas tido smpai tengahari before sambung lagi lepas zuhur dan asar dan seterusnya. pagi tadi gi library pon bukak buku 5 minit dah tido. 

haihh ya i really need exercises. lemak banyak sangat ni sebab tu nak tido je keje. 

Leo dah sihat. Alhamdulillah.

okay dah nak merepot biology lagi. kthanxbye

Saturday, October 15, 2011

library kutub utara intec

assalamualaikum semua.

saya sekarang berada di library intec. disebabkan saya tidak membawa Leo yang agak tak sihat, saya cuma mampu melayari internet di desktop sini je.oh tujuan saya nak stadi chem dengan bio sebenarnya jangan salah faham okay.ini namanya mengisi masa lapang. (haihh apa aku cakap ni-.-)

suhu di sini amatlah rendah sehingga saya membuat keputusan untuk makan tengahari bersama girlfren saya yang comel, dan menjamu selera kami yang kebuluran di bwah panas matahari yang memang mantap. *boleh tumbuk kalau menyampah dengan bahasa melayu aku

oh ya saya cuma nak bagitahu tahap kelajuan internet di sini sangatlah melampau lajunya mengalahkan p1 saya yang macam siput demam kat rumah tu. so sapa2 nak donlod muvi ke cite korea ke running man ke boleh tampil ke intec bila2 masa anda mahu. oh ya lagi, wikens je anda mampu mengakses selaju ini harap maklum.

sekian, saya, Iqlima Syarif membuat liputan khas dari library intec uitm seksyen 17. ^^

keep ur heart strong kamon2

everytime im feeling like falling for someone, this is the song that will make me stay awake, erase the image of that person(s), n let them be in the history list. alahhh its not a crime to like someone kan kan kan. 
just never fall for someone if you dont know they will catch you. 

Di Atas Nama Cinta - UNIC :)

Tika mata
Diuji manisnya senyuman
Terpamit rasa menyubur harapan

Dan seketika
Terlontar ke dunia khayalan
Hingga terlupa singkat perjalanan
Tersedar aku dari terlena
Dibuai lembut belaian cinta

Rela aku pendamkan
Impian yang tersimpan
Enggan ku keasyikan
Gusar keindahannya
Merampas rasa cinta
Pada Dia yang lebih sempuna

Bukan mudah
Bernafas dalam jiwa hamba
Dan ku cuba
Menghindarkan pesona maya
Kerna tak upaya ku hadapinya
Andai murka-Nya menghukum leka

Diatas nama cinta
Pada yang selayaknya
Kunafikan yang fana
Moga dalam hitungan
Setiap pengorbanan
Agar disuluh cahaya redha-Nya

Biar sendiri hingga hujung nyawa
Asal tak sepi dari kasih-Nya
Kerna sesungguhnya hakikat cinta
Hanya Dia yang Esa

Saratkan hati ini dengan cinta hakiki
Sehingga ku rasai

ni la satu2 nye lagu nasyid ada dlm playlist aku. tade ah jiwang pun kan. comel tak hikhik ^^


T.T nearly cry watching my Leo trying to fight over the virus coming from dono where. Leo kamon3 ure strong. mummy will stand behind u forever!!

to do list -.-
*repot bio DNA
*searching2 unit 6
*Fesbuk Hepi Bubble Tweet2
*Grey's Anatomy Still Mary Me

Leo mummy really need u. get well soon ya.

Sunday, October 9, 2011

sahabat baru.

mata aku dah sama dengan dia sekarang.

aku baru tau ada antivirus panda. dia cam tak berapa nak panda. kesian panda aku jadik antivirus. hewhew


g pesta buku upm tadi. punya excited banyak gila buku best2 smpai amek 6 7 8 9 10 buku. last2 beli 3 je. aku merasa loser carik buku sorang2 tadi bila abang aku meninggalkan diriku ini untuk pegi berdating dengan awek dia. ciss melampau sungguh kata nak single sepanjang zaman. -.-

sesi pembakaran lemak di dalam sauna ktm berlangsung sepanjang dekat setengah jam di dalam koc wanita + proses sprint laju2 nek jejantas keja ktm tadi, dan kesannya aku merasa agak kurus bila tiba di kl sentrel. ktm ke klang delay sejam dan akhirnya kami hanya selamat tiba di shalam pada pukul 6.45 camtu ah. aku gagal menggoda pakcik teksi dan gagal bersabar menunggu pacik rapid lalu aku membuat keputusan untuk berjalan kaki sahaja

act ak takesah sgt pon jalan jauh2 tapi memandangkan aku ni perempuan pastu lalu pulak tepi highway, sah2 ada tikus2 menjerit.ello boleh buat experiment kalau ta comel macam Park Shin Hye pon tikus2 nak jerit jugak okayy. dan sepanjang perjalanan aku telah berjaya memberi salam dan hai! kepada semua kucing yang kesemuanya berjumlah 7 ekor. o mungkin 8.

baru nak berehat sambil melipat baju (see aku mmg pompuan tak brapa mlayu terakhir hikhik) alfa dtg mmbawa khabar duka kena buat chem punya grupwork. pastu meeting ngn jpkca lagi (cewah aku pres skarang) pastu nk pikir bio repot lagi. kuciwa

moral of the story, aku penat. bai

Saturday, October 8, 2011

we make our choices, then our choices make us

people are dealing with choices everyday.

what clothes to wear before going to class, which shoes fit my dress today, which places should i have my dinner, and which lauk to be picked, blablablabla and even whether to take shower or not >.<

they do happen everyday. 

for some people, its just a normal thing that they can deal with it easily. they can make their own decisions, without other people to give opinions, and without bothering what other people will say about things they make up in their life.

to be honest i really hate making decisions. yeah im a grown up girl, but up until now, i never know how to deal with this kind of things. im afraid i will choose a wrong decision and regret it for the whole of my life.

i know  if i lie to others im lying to myself, and that's a problem. BIG problem.

in the morning, i will spend almost half an hour in front of the mirror, figuring out what clothes to be put on. during lunch at the cafe, i will ask Alfa for her opinion about what should i eat today. or else i will just eat the same lauk i picked up yesterday or the day before yesterday or the day before3 that. in the evening, Fathiah will choose the kedai that we will have our dinner that day. almost in every single things, people around me have to help me to make decisions. thats the use of friends kan kan kan?

its pretty annoying right?

the same goes when i have to deal with stress. seriously its killing me. but i dont really know whether i have to express it, share with someone or just let them buried in myself. and at last i will just laugh. and smile. pretending like i got A or B in my tests or exams. in fact i got the lowest mark in class.
yeah im good at pretending. thats a hidden skill isnt it?

i did learnt about critical thinking during my first semester, but it didnt seems to help at all.

as everyday passes i still trying to find the best medicine for this weird disease. maybe its still okay for now (absolutely not when i found it hard to choose answers for questions in exams -.-' ) but i know if i didnt try to find the cure, i will found myself lost in the future. (aku rasa ada masalah bila nak pilih hasben nanti) 

dear my future husband, please bear with me. after we get married you will have to make all the decisions for me, for us and for our children :)

oh ya i think i didnt perform really well during ielts this morning. listening i hate u

Friday, October 7, 2011

tomorrow is saturday.

esok IELTS. lepastu MUET. pastu next sem interview IMU. mmg aku kena blaja spiking sampai mantap jugak.

dear brain, hands, eyes and ears. please cooperate well for listening tomorrow. oh ya reading n writing too. 
but i think listening is the toughest. kamon focus2!

lepas tu boleh balik jumpa aswad! :D

Thursday, October 6, 2011

cherish them.

everytime buat test bio mmg tapenah nak rasa bahagia. inikah yang dinamakan cinta tak berbalas?? uu T.T

forget it. time cant be reversed. o ya i came across this ohsem video when im blogwalking, finding some sources to be wrote and posted on. :)

have you ever thought of the day the person that you love the most leave you? yeah its scary to figure out bout that. but where ever we go, where ever we are, we cant just run from the reality. we could die. 

this video made me thought that if the person i cherish in my life gone, surely im gonna be like him. esp if that person means a lot to me, but i never realize that before the day he/she disappears out of my life, forever.

more scary to be thought, to know the person that you care n love no longer breath the same air as you and no longer walk on the same ground as you anymore. you will never see them again,yet could only stare at their grave stone that marks their name.

'so acknowledge them. show your appreciation for every single things that they have done for you.' (Blogger, 2011)

thats the thing we should do for them. but the problem is, honestly i dont really know who means a lot to me after my parents n family n bestfrens. -.-'

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Feel like crying my heart out right now. But is it really for no reasons?
Seryesly nothing bad happened today. but its like something is bothering me inside here.

if its just nothing, why should i feel like this?
heyyaa lets drop the question mark here. my Biology is waiting

o ya i found out this last night. nanti nak belajar buat ^^