what u give u get back.
ahah kan dah kena sekali.selalu buat kan orang kan dah rasa pedih.
takpe im not serious. tak terasa tak terasa. langsung. uh tipuu okay aku kalah. dia perfect. aku. just a LOSER.
thankyou. im not a doll. stop playing with me.
puasa2!kamon! :D
Sunday, July 31, 2011
Anis Adawiyah ku.
hai saya post entri ni mmg geli2 sikit. so wat bukan utk korang pon. dah g main jauh2 saya nak borak ngn sahabat saya ni jap.
hai Anis Adawiyah Japar!
sori kite lupa nak wish bdae awak 29/7 lepas. sumpah kite lupa. patutlah macam ada benda tak setel je. tapi seyes kite mintak maaf kite betul2 terlupa. biasalah dah tua nyanyuk sikit (macam banyak jugak). takpe ni kite ingat ni, kira beruntung la awak tau tak. heheh
awak dah 19. kite tengah kira kat kalendar. lama lagi nak jadik sebaya macam awak. haih lambat sgt keluar nak celebrate pun macam hambar. dah dua tahun lah kita tak celebrate bdae sama2 kan. sedey2. rindunya nak celebrate mcm dulu. terasa nak pecah masok koop lagi nk amek kek. haha takpun buat kek apollo pon jadik ah sampai sakit perut makan benda merepek2 tu. baling tepung telur ke hapa tu cam common je. tabes ah. takpun kita baca yasin jelah ramai2 kat surau kira celebrate jugak lah kan.
anis ex deksmate klasmet dormate blockmate, kite kagum dengan kehebatan gosip2 awk. bila lagi nak gosip ni b4 tidur peluk2 ni.(sensored)
anis hepi belated. nanti adiah claim tau bila2. alah uia bukan jauh pun. lepas kite dah bagi adiah bdae, nanti kite claim kat awak kfc pulak. heheh
jangan kawen b4 aku balek mesia tau. nak jadik pengapit! :)
hai Anis Adawiyah Japar!
sori kite lupa nak wish bdae awak 29/7 lepas. sumpah kite lupa. patutlah macam ada benda tak setel je. tapi seyes kite mintak maaf kite betul2 terlupa. biasalah dah tua nyanyuk sikit (macam banyak jugak). takpe ni kite ingat ni, kira beruntung la awak tau tak. heheh
awak dah 19. kite tengah kira kat kalendar. lama lagi nak jadik sebaya macam awak. haih lambat sgt keluar nak celebrate pun macam hambar. dah dua tahun lah kita tak celebrate bdae sama2 kan. sedey2. rindunya nak celebrate mcm dulu. terasa nak pecah masok koop lagi nk amek kek. haha takpun buat kek apollo pon jadik ah sampai sakit perut makan benda merepek2 tu. baling tepung telur ke hapa tu cam common je. tabes ah. takpun kita baca yasin jelah ramai2 kat surau kira celebrate jugak lah kan.
anis ex deksmate klasmet dormate blockmate, kite kagum dengan kehebatan gosip2 awk. bila lagi nak gosip ni b4 tidur peluk2 ni.(
anis hepi belated. nanti adiah claim tau bila2. alah uia bukan jauh pun. lepas kite dah bagi adiah bdae, nanti kite claim kat awak kfc pulak. heheh
jangan kawen b4 aku balek mesia tau. nak jadik pengapit! :)
azam puasa tahun ni.
1. _____________
2. _____________
3. _____________
4. _____________
5. _____________
sume azam rahsia. heheh gedik sungguh daku
puasa penuh2, terawih pun penuh2 jugak la eh.
ibu ayah adik bradik sedara mara cikgu mekgu kawan2 maaf kalau buat silap. kot mati tengah2 bulan pose ni mana tau kann. seronok jugak tapi sayang amal tak cukup lagi nk mati awal. -.-
insyaAllah, this Ramadhan will be better than be4.:')
Saturday, July 30, 2011
hari ini.
benci benci benci. hey uncle driver yu tak nampak ai lari2 seberang jalan menggadai nyawa nak kejar bas yu ke? pastu bila besusah payah ai kejar yu, boleh plak yu blah padahal ai dah lambai2 sekuat hati kat rear view mirror bas kuning biru yu tu. hey lagi 3 tapak ai nak sampai pintu bas tu apsal yu kejam sangat terus pecut tinggal ai????
aku nak bagi singgit free pon takot. haish bunuh3!
pacik ktm lagi satu. apsal kena delay sampai 3 4 kali wey? dah aku terpaksa layan budak indon tu nak borak2 ngn aku. 'ramah ya orang malaysia. kakak sudah telat ya? mau pulang ke mana? oh sah alam? kami capek juga nungguin. di kampung tiada keretaapi.bla bla blaa' uh jenuh aku layan budak ni. aku tengah risau sampai tengah malam kena culik ke ragut ke boleh dia sesenang hati mengajak aku berborak.
sampai akasia aku rasa nak pengsan. dengan beg baju buku tak berkemas lagi, haih apesal kena pindah??? nseb bek umah ni cantek jugak. banyak penyangkut baju tu terbaik. tapi memang malang kena fight dengan bau kasut kat umah bawah ni. lagi view dari dapur lame gila. kipas tak centre tak nyenyak ai tido malam ni. dah3 memang tak bersyukur langsung manusia ni. tape siap kemas nanti mesti aku senyap tak bebel punya
uh lepas kemas ingat nak sambung marathon heri poter. but when i realized that i have a lot of things to do nxt week, maybe i shud hold it fes. tengok stat spiking bila teringat ielts rabu ni. aghh tade2 nak habiskan jugak!
comel gila syamim eh bukan patung bruang dia pakai tu. stat hari ni aku bercita-cita nak pakai suit maskot tu satu hari nanti. buat baju kawen pun macam bes. haha xD
eh puasa esok ke lusa?
*meluahkan perasaan habis arini.-.-'
Tuesday, July 26, 2011
Love Come N Go. Just Like That.
hai makhluk sekalian.

aku bosan malam ni. nak stadi tunggu aku abeskan entri ni dulu.apsal tajuk geli2 camni? sbb takda apa. saja harmon aku paksa taip benda tak berapa berfaedah ni.
so lets get started. to be honest, aku tak faham macamana org boleh senang2 cakap 'I leviu bebeh' then after and hour, 'Im no more interested in u'. have u experienced it b4?
okay klo yang fes time becinta tu aku paham, dorang mmg boleh anggap mcm bf dorang tu ah everything utk dia, so mmg sayang tahap dewa ah. tapi yg ak tak paham yg mmg dah byk kali kapel n clash, then kau ta rasa macam ape tujuan aku hidup ni? takde feeling ke wei. senang2 sayang cinta awek sana sini? apa definition ILY tu pada korg? tak spesel siot wish kat sume orang, nnt apa anak bini kau nak dapat? bekas2 saki baki ILY tu je? haih kamon give someone u love with something special n precious wey, bukan benda yg kau dah biasa bagi kat homosapiens lain.

being in a relationship just like u're involved in a war, in a game. then u must be ready to lose or win.
ni esp pmpuan ah. bese lah hati mcm askem, sikit senang je cair. so in case bf korang flirt, korang kene redha ah. dah korang dapat dia nak buat camna, haha. sebab tu aku cakap laki ni taleh caya. sume awek cun comel hot dia nak. fine ah Adam pun suka Hawa sebab dia cantik jugak. its natural, human loves beauty. tapi tu ah, dah kau berani letak hati korang kat kaum yg sometimes tak reti nak jaga hati yg lemah gemalai (beterabor simpulan bahasa aku), beware with the risks.
in my point of view lah kan, theres no such thing that cinta zaman muda2 camni boleh bertahan smpai kawen. kau suka, sayang cinta dia sekarang, aku rasa kebarangkalian nak end up that relationship with akad nikah tu cam err mungkin 0.1%. bila time zaman skolah dulu, aku cukup mnyampah bila dengar mmbe2 ak cite sal nak kawen ngn dia ni, nnt hantar kad jemputan lah, nnt carik pengapit ah, nnt nk tempah catering ngn bapak aku lah,. wth kau budak skolah lagi kot. blom msok ipt uni lagi tak jumpa mamat2 hot brad pit tom cruz dah nk pikir end up ngn laki cam sampah tu. kamon were still young bebeh. buang masa bercinta dengan org tak matured cam dorang ni. dorang dah 40 baru stat hidup macam kita tau. so kesimpulannya, cariklah sugar dedi umur 40. okay crapss
the faster love comes, the faster it fades away.
aku rasa betul jugak. kalau senang kau sayang, senang jugak kau nak lepas. macam askem, senang je kau beli singgit kt mydin. senang jgk kau telan dia seminit dah habis. kalau dapat Hagen Daaazz sebijik, memang menangis2 hope askem tu betahan hingga hujung nyawa korang. em okay apa aku merepek lagi ni.
lagi satu aku tak faham, apa makhluk2 becinta ni buat ha? i mean bergayut every night jumpa evryday texting every minutes, tak bosan ke wei. padahal tanya dah makan belum je. kamon kamon soklan common dah tu kreatif sikitt.

find someone that will never stop holding ur hands until at this age :)
sorry lah beb, but i think ive warned u before. the longer u hold it, the deeper the cut inside urself. baguslah kau dah moved on. as ive said be4, u deserved someone better, thousand times more handsome n smart than him. ive seen u cried more than once becoz of him, n now he let u go just like ure nothing. sohhhh punya orang lah mamat tu.
kamon. dont be easy to fall in love. lets He decides for you. :)
*aku rasa sampai bila2 ak takkan kawen slagi tak ubah mentaliti ni.-.-'
Monday, July 25, 2011
Alhamdulillah, already finished my issue report tonight after battling with myself to stop stalking people on facebook. hahah ive done! :D
no plagiarism detected except 4 those graphs n picts, already dying to click the google button almost 1000x. tipu2!
gonna proceed with maths and chemistry.
wish me luck.
with love, xD
*aghhh 4hrs english class tomorrow. =.=
Sunday, July 24, 2011
its coming nearer.
nak puasa penuh. nak terawih penuh. nak nak nak sangat! aminn :)

nak puasa penuh. nak terawih penuh. nak nak nak sangat! aminn :)
trying to get my body n soul ready. i hope this Ramadhan will be better than the past Ramadhan n wont be the last. :'(
*azam sampingan, turun sploh kg. heheh
just recovered from few bruises when trying to save the ball. haha tu takpe cuma aku kecewa dengan track bottom baru beli seminggu dah koyak dgn kacaknya. nseb bek ada diskaun masa beli rtu. haihh lagi satu sunburn ni buat aku nampak huduh bila pakai tudung warna striking2 sikit macam pink ke hijau ke biru ke. warghh tensen gua
btw nice game. n nice gifts too!
btw nice game. n nice gifts too!
this one i got for being a nice n cute goalkeeper and also a hensem defender tyme futsal semalam xD
Panda nampak agak retarded. mungkin sbb mata dia tak cukup mngancam. tape i still love u. <3
yg ni plak dapat sbb bg nama ckupkan player basket. ni lagi comel do aku rasa.
slamat bersama denganku 4 de whole week eh. oww *hugs*
nice ah inpro. congrats to all that got tedi bears n tupperwares. for those who lose, takde rezeki. u've tried hard kan. takpe nnt aku bg tedi bear jgn sedey2 okay.
Saturday, July 23, 2011
komen facebook tak cukup membunuh lagi.
baru je lepas baca entry pasal status n komen facebook yg di rumus khas oleh Mr. K yang mungkin tak berapa kacak ni semalam. tadi bukak noti, aku tak tau ah nak bagi reaction apa. haihhh budak sorang nii -.-'
perghh pedas gila komen last tu. kalau wa bukan olang sabar, memang wa fire abes2. aku punya fesbuk suka hati la apa aku nk apdet. #%$#$^!! mencabar keimanan sungguh. lgpon aku tak mnipu. kt status tu kan tulis camni
betol ah aku tgh pissed off masa tu. kan menjawab soklan. berdosa ke?? salah ke??
then bila fikir balik, mamat ni mmg type camni. gurau kasar beb tapi aku tau ah dia baek. td jumpa okay je kot. takkan tapasal dia nk gadoh tarik rambut ngn aku kot. so takpe nseb bek dia. lgpon aku rasa dia jeles org respon kat status aku. takpon dia jeles kitorang kalahkan actp adfp futsal pagi td. kan3 xD
klo apdet status sorg manusia dr almost 1000 frens tu pon tak heran, tu lg segan kot. haha
Friday, July 22, 2011
panda2 ku.
it is't a crime to admire, rite? :p
comel gila do menatang ni. jumpa kat jusco tadi masa muvi-ing dgn fathiah :)
Thursday, July 21, 2011
everything is in His hands.
'bila rindu hadir tanpa dipinta, tiada kata mampu meluah bicara. kadangkala rindu itu mengundang hiba, membangkit sebak, mengukir air mata. manusia itu fitrahnya, dalam degup jantung dan nadi mereka, ada rasa dalam jiwa yang bisa membuat tiap patah bicara terhenti seketika, saat hati disentuh kasih-Nya, saat terasa halusnya getar di dada.'
sometimes i force myself to forget the past. n lead a new life. but the memory keep playing flashback movies, and each time i try to erase them, the darker side of me reveal the true herself, n i just can back off, leaving everything in His hands.
we are not same.
the past is past. but how can i stop looking to the back, when i realized that the person i left behind was me? yeah maybe the old me, but she is still me. n only Him can make me stop thinking about her forever.
sometimes i force myself to forget the past. n lead a new life. but the memory keep playing flashback movies, and each time i try to erase them, the darker side of me reveal the true herself, n i just can back off, leaving everything in His hands.
we are not same.
the past is past. but how can i stop looking to the back, when i realized that the person i left behind was me? yeah maybe the old me, but she is still me. n only Him can make me stop thinking about her forever.
sekali sekala berpuitis takde kau kesah punya.
Thursday, July 14, 2011
Northern Downpour sends its love :)
act i fall in love with this song right at the moment when the rythm get into my head. n i think its going to stuck in here forever. :)
yaa myb the tempo is quite slow but act the most wonderful about this song is the lyric. ive heard pretty much songs before but ive never found one with an outstanding lyric like this. okay its just my opinion but i really love every words (esp yang Ryan nyanyi) in it. seryes, the phrases are demm sooo beautiful. credit to my super duperr cute Ryan, i hope u did this 4 me. xD
If all our life is but a dream, fantastic posing greed
Then we should feed our jewelry to the sea
For diamonds do appear to be
Just like broken glass to me
And then she said she can't believe
Genius only comes along in storms of fabled foreign tongues
Tripping eyes and flooded lungs
Northern downpour sends its love
Hey moon, please forget to fall down
Hey moon, don't you go down
Sugarcane in the easy morning
Weather vanes my one and lonely
The ink is running toward the page, it's chasing off the days
Look back at both feet and that winding knee
I missed your skin when you were east
You clicked your heels and wished for me
Through playful lips made of yarn that fragile
Capricorn unraveled words like moths upon old scarves
I know the world's a broken bone
But melt your headaches call it home
Hey moon, please forget to fall down
Hey moon, don't you go down
Sugarcane in the easy morning
Weather vanes my one and lonely
Sugarcane in the easy morning
Weather vanes my one and lonely
Sugarcane in the easy morning
Weather vanes my one and lonely
Sugarcane in the easy morning
Weather vanes my one and lonely
Sugarcane in the easy morning
Weather vanes my one and lonely
Sugarcane in the easy morning
(Hey moon, please forget to fall down)
Weather vanes my one and lonely
(Hey moon, don't you go down)
Sugarcane in the easy morning
(You are at the top of my lungs)
Weather vanes my one and lonely
(Drawn to the ones who never yawn)
Sugarcane in the easy morning
(Hey moon, please forget to fall down)
Weather vanes my one and lonely
(Hey moon, don't you go down)
Sugarcane in the easy morning
(You are at the top of my lungs)
Weather vanes my one and lonely
(Drawn to the ones who never yawn)
Tapi sumpah aku tak paham sgt apa motif lagu ni. Haha
yaa myb the tempo is quite slow but act the most wonderful about this song is the lyric. ive heard pretty much songs before but ive never found one with an outstanding lyric like this. okay its just my opinion but i really love every words (esp yang Ryan nyanyi) in it. seryes, the phrases are demm sooo beautiful. credit to my super duperr cute Ryan, i hope u did this 4 me. xD
If all our life is but a dream, fantastic posing greed
Then we should feed our jewelry to the sea
For diamonds do appear to be
Just like broken glass to me
And then she said she can't believe
Genius only comes along in storms of fabled foreign tongues
Tripping eyes and flooded lungs
Northern downpour sends its love
Hey moon, please forget to fall down
Hey moon, don't you go down
Sugarcane in the easy morning
Weather vanes my one and lonely
The ink is running toward the page, it's chasing off the days
Look back at both feet and that winding knee
I missed your skin when you were east
You clicked your heels and wished for me
Through playful lips made of yarn that fragile
Capricorn unraveled words like moths upon old scarves
I know the world's a broken bone
But melt your headaches call it home
Hey moon, please forget to fall down
Hey moon, don't you go down
Sugarcane in the easy morning
Weather vanes my one and lonely
Sugarcane in the easy morning
Weather vanes my one and lonely
Sugarcane in the easy morning
Weather vanes my one and lonely
Sugarcane in the easy morning
Weather vanes my one and lonely
Sugarcane in the easy morning
Weather vanes my one and lonely
Sugarcane in the easy morning
(Hey moon, please forget to fall down)
Weather vanes my one and lonely
(Hey moon, don't you go down)
Sugarcane in the easy morning
(You are at the top of my lungs)
Weather vanes my one and lonely
(Drawn to the ones who never yawn)
Sugarcane in the easy morning
(Hey moon, please forget to fall down)
Weather vanes my one and lonely
(Hey moon, don't you go down)
Sugarcane in the easy morning
(You are at the top of my lungs)
Weather vanes my one and lonely
(Drawn to the ones who never yawn)
Tapi sumpah aku tak paham sgt apa motif lagu ni. Haha
Wednesday, July 13, 2011
tak ada tajuk
im quite puzzled ah bila dia argue ketulusan hati aku terhadap frenship aku dgn budak hacc. tetiba rasa mcm dia anggp ak perempuan murahan pulak. uh bukan2! im not dat type. absolutely NOT. NO NO NO
bila dgn budak hacc aku rasa tak kisah nk kua makan ke wayang ke apa ke bcoz they are haccers. yelah cm ada reason tu. hacc is family, frenship, brothers n sisters bla bla blaa opss lupa pulak. okay batas pergaulan kene jaga aku sedar. ceh aku tak sedar sejak bila benda ni jadik habit. haishh ni hacc punya pasal. demit2
tapi bila some1 len, i mean mcm kau cakap dgn dia pon stahun skali, jumpa just senyum lambai2, uhh lagi tu dah ada speselll gf, gila ah.aku tanak sailang2. nnt kene bunuh bakar sia2 aku hidup. tragis2 dah tu awek hot gila kalah megon fax. 4 sure aku kena bahan free ah tak sanggup. lagi pon kawan aku jugak kot. im not a betrayer baby. haha ish dah2 fokus apa tujuan kau hidup kat intec ni woi!
aish lepas ni nak carik awek cun sorang pengubat lara~
aish lepas ni nak carik awek cun sorang pengubat lara~
Tuesday, July 12, 2011
hai si ijau!
'tak cool ah tak kene saman.' Faizah Ramle July 2011
since fes time masok intec so far Alhamdulillah tade ah kene saman lagi. even pacik gad tu memang every week nak tahan aku sbb tak pakai mtrx card n byk kali jugak ah kantoi balek lambat gara2 mlepak bersama Haccers sekalian.
aku hairan mungkin dia ada problem shortem memory smpai takpenah nak cam muka aku yang kacak ni.
tadi pun sipi2 nk kene saman sebab menunggang skuter tanpa lesen, ic or mtrx card bersama Faizah dengan tanpa memakai helmet di jalan besar yang tesangat besar depan kolej kitorang nih.
since fes time masok intec so far Alhamdulillah tade ah kene saman lagi. even pacik gad tu memang every week nak tahan aku sbb tak pakai mtrx card n byk kali jugak ah kantoi balek lambat gara2 mlepak bersama Haccers sekalian.
aku hairan mungkin dia ada problem shortem memory smpai takpenah nak cam muka aku yang kacak ni.
tadi pun sipi2 nk kene saman sebab menunggang skuter tanpa lesen, ic or mtrx card bersama Faizah dengan tanpa memakai helmet di jalan besar yang tesangat besar depan kolej kitorang nih.
inilah si ijau kesayangan saya
tapi bila ak tanye psal sticker dia tanak pedulik so lepas ni mungkin ak boleh bermaharajalela bawak kuar masok without sticker dengan syarat mesti memakai helmet. bro dari akasia satu meter je nak smpai pintu gate cemara. apa skema sgt nk pakai helmet?? hadoii tapelah ak respect si pacik yg particular ni
so sapa nak pinjam si ijau, boleh isi kan minyak.
baru hari tu belagak dah lama tak demam, stret demam satu malam.-.-'
Monday, July 11, 2011
Sunday, July 10, 2011
a lil bit unwell
uh sore throat. suffered a lot. ya i blamed my past 8 days. non stop talking to the costumers and at last they just walk away without buying even the cheapest item. warghhh u cruel homosapiensss
it has been years since the last time i caught fever. yeah de last 1 shud be during trial spm 2009. wow ni la berkat mnom susu ibu masa kecik dlu. hewwheww
actually ive stupidly thought dat Allah didnt love me. yalah when u caught fever, ur small sins will b thrown far far away kan3? so ive concluded 'Dia tak sayang aku ke? tanak hapuskan dosa2 kecil aku?' nanges stret. T,T
but someone reminds me dat myb its not like dat. He can do everything He wants, and i shouldnt complained and keep asking about something that humans mind can go through. ya be grateful. Alhamdulillah
okay sapa nk belanja strepsils? sila hubungi saya
it has been years since the last time i caught fever. yeah de last 1 shud be during trial spm 2009. wow ni la berkat mnom susu ibu masa kecik dlu. hewwheww
actually ive stupidly thought dat Allah didnt love me. yalah when u caught fever, ur small sins will b thrown far far away kan3? so ive concluded 'Dia tak sayang aku ke? tanak hapuskan dosa2 kecil aku?' nanges stret. T,T
but someone reminds me dat myb its not like dat. He can do everything He wants, and i shouldnt complained and keep asking about something that humans mind can go through. ya be grateful. Alhamdulillah
okay sapa nk belanja strepsils? sila hubungi saya
Friday, July 8, 2011
im a student back tumoro.
dah say gudbai to p1 wimax booth, Alep n Samsul n Kannen, pacik kereta yg annoying, baby kucing bertompok yang manjeww, kak sal n anaknya yang super super comel, abg kedai mainan yang serabut n kedai mamak kiri kanan yang menjadi tempat ak stare kari kepala ikan hari2.
lpas ni mesti rindu nak usha abg Pizza Hut tu. er Astaghfirullah, tengok kan zina mata tuu
waaa lega gila tayah tebal2 muka bg flyers lagi, tayah pegang tray offer orang rasa teh yg mahal tu, tayah cover ayu jalan pakai heels, n yg penting tayah kne bediri 12 jam pastu cakap banyak smpai tadak suara dah ni. haiih pengorbanan utk sesuap nasi. wuuwuuu lpas ni tanak keje lagi dah. penat. sangat kot. takpe at lis i got the experience. nice2. korang ada keje cam aku? haha
im thinking of changing my fon number. sapa nak boleh inbox fb. haha bajet hawtt gila
gotta work hard after balek kolej esok. intec wait 4 me.
eh bersih esok? kalo pakai baju kuning syok jugak kan. xD
lpas ni mesti rindu nak usha abg Pizza Hut tu. er Astaghfirullah, tengok kan zina mata tuu
waaa lega gila tayah tebal2 muka bg flyers lagi, tayah pegang tray offer orang rasa teh yg mahal tu, tayah cover ayu jalan pakai heels, n yg penting tayah kne bediri 12 jam pastu cakap banyak smpai tadak suara dah ni. haiih pengorbanan utk sesuap nasi. wuuwuuu lpas ni tanak keje lagi dah. penat. sangat kot. takpe at lis i got the experience. nice2. korang ada keje cam aku? haha
im thinking of changing my fon number. sapa nak boleh inbox fb. haha bajet hawtt gila
gotta work hard after balek kolej esok. intec wait 4 me.
eh bersih esok? kalo pakai baju kuning syok jugak kan. xD
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