Thursday, July 21, 2011

everything is in His hands.

'bila rindu hadir tanpa dipinta, tiada kata mampu meluah bicara. kadangkala rindu itu mengundang hiba, membangkit sebak, mengukir air mata. manusia itu fitrahnya, dalam degup jantung dan nadi mereka, ada rasa dalam jiwa yang bisa membuat tiap patah bicara terhenti seketika, saat hati disentuh kasih-Nya, saat terasa halusnya getar di dada.'

sometimes i force myself to forget the past. n lead a new life. but the memory keep playing flashback movies, and each time i try to erase them, the darker side of me reveal the true herself, n i just can back off, leaving everything in His hands.

we are not same.

the past is past. but how can i stop looking to the back, when i realized that the person i left behind was me? yeah maybe the old me, but she is still me. n only Him can make me stop thinking about her forever.

sekali sekala  berpuitis  takde kau kesah  punya.

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