Saturday, August 27, 2011

ah at last it arrived. this evening. they're pretty smart eh, sending the letter via post laju on the parents name, so the child arent going to open the letter, read it for a second, then tear it into pieces, burn it,then throw the ashes into a river, so there are no evidence of the existence of the letter.

oo its actuallay not a letter. a card. that at first i thought it was a kad raya from intec. eh hello kejadah intec nak hantar kad raya?

to be honest, it is not a proud thing to be announced here. yaa if a boy get it, 'sokay he's just playing around. then at the final he surely will perform well right?' but if its a girl, 'how can she be so stupid? girls usually do well in their examination. lazy girl, she deserved that.stupid.stupid. stupid.'

i admit im that girl. fine. im stupid. i know everyone are looking down at me. fine. surely fine.

but, im serious. im working hard.

just dont give that kind of look. it makes me want to commit suicide.

n last, ayah im so sorry.


Yana said...

iqlima, aku pon smeee:)
spoil mood raye btol!

iQieyMa said...

aa aku ingt ak sorg dlm klas kita.wuu terharu ada kawan.T.T