Tuesday, November 15, 2011

abnormal life will begin

a friend will never leave you. i believed in those words so far,

but not until what happen just now when i wake up this morning (err late in the morning), she had leave.

 an empty bed??

fathiah sampai hati kau tinggalkan akuuuuu T^T

kompem seminggu ni makan minum mandi aku tak terurus. unless aku naik atas tidur dengan farie n alfa.

yaa its surely a disaster without Fathiah waking me up patiently in the morning for subuh prayer.

dan aku tak fikir experiment apa lagi nak buat utk unit 6 ni


AmalinaSamar said...

tyah g mane weyh? cam siyes je bunyik
balik cuti sem dah ke

iQieyMa said...

haah cuti sem. sedey siot. sobsob